Raynaud’s Disease is one condition that has a history of becoming a hot topic during the cold winter season. This winter season has been no different to other winters where we see more people walk in through the doors of our clinic with Raynaud’s disease. Moreover, reduced physical activity amidst this lockdown causing deterioration of…

The Dietary Guidelines for Australians promote good health and good nutrition for all Australians. An Accredited Practising Dietitian (APD) can help to tailor these guidelines to individual needs. The Dietary Guidelines for Australians are designed to help people choose foods for a healthy life. The guidelines advise the following: Guideline 1 To achieve and maintain a healthy…

There are certain numbers that you can use to identify whether or not you have a heart risk. Waist circumference Your health can be affected by how much you weigh as well as by your body shape. Men often carry their excess weight around their middle, while women often carry their excess weight on their…